Special Programs

  • Look here for upcoming Special Events, Special Tours to join, and Special Pricing





  • A great month for gardens, celebrations, and all of our tours

November 2013

  • Bi-annual International Choral Festival. Calling all choristers and music lovers – international choirs invited. Non-competitive festival.

Culture & Heritage

History, Art, Architecture, and much more. 
Petroglyphs, pottery shards, castles, palaces and barooms trace 500 years of immigrant history, 3000 years of aboriginal settlement. Poets, warriors, mafiosos and slaves, the romantic, heroic, tragic history of Cuba lives on. Immigrant traditions blend to form the new art, music, dance and culture of a nation. 
Architects, curators, artists, historians and those who have lived the history bring Cuban culture and heritage alive.

Please see the following Tours which explore Cuba’s rich culture and heritage:

Regional Tours

Themed Tours

  • History of Cuba
  • Arts in Cuba
  • Architecture of the Colonial Period
  • Architecture of the Republics
  • History of the Immigrant Peoples
  • Sugar and Slavery
  • History of Coffee

Every Day Life in Cuba